Are you a gardening enthusiast? Do you enjoy gardening or appreciating a well kept and interesting garden? If you are, and do, then you are well aware of the concept of garden decoration, using various aesthetically valued artifacts or items like sculptures, garden gnomes, fountains, etc. If you are interested in the mentioned, you may want to read this article. This article will give you some information about the history of garden decoration.
History Of Garden Decoration:
The earliest garden sculptures were most likely images of gods, and were put there to be worshipped. After the Romans invaded Greece, however, individuals likely realised they may also decorate gardens. Many sculptures were removed and used to embellish Rome’s gardens and residences.The prosperous and powerful Medici family had settled near the city limits of Florence a long time after the Roman Empire had fallen. Cosimo de Medici was born in 1389. Later, he commissioned MichelozzoMichelozzi to renovate his Careggi residence in the classical style. The appearance of this house and garden may have influenced the concepts that led to the Renaissance era.
Some historians argue that these principles were formed earlier, but that the core principles of the Renaissance were first summed at the Careggi villa’s gardens. Initially, sculptures and ornamentation were not valued highly, and in 1483, PoggioBracciolino was mocked for placing classic sculptures in his gardens.
When Charles VIII returned from battle in Italy and observed how well-dressed the people were, he decided to follow the practice of sculptures and decorations as incorporated garden elements. In France, he began to mimic this style.The French lawn style evolved over time, culminating in the magnificent Versailles Gardens.These gardens remain the most remarkable example as to how sculptures may enhance a yard’s axis-shaped structure.
Although sculptures and decorations were used extensively in French and Italian Renaissance landscapes, they were mostly used as decorative elements that added to the overall design rather than influencing it. Several of these gardens, unfortunately, would be uninteresting if the decorations and statues were eliminated.
Renaissance gardens began to influence British landscape design in the sixteenth century, and terraces were soon embellished with fences and statues. Most of the first decorations manufactured specifically for European gardens depicted Medieval Period or Renaissance emblematic creatures. In sixteenth centuryBritain, specimens might be found in the palace lawns.Despite this, Italy was still embraced as a source of garden adornment influence. This is why, in order to adorn Nonsuch Palace and its grounds, Henry VIII permitted a significant number of artists and workers from Italy to come to Britain.
Garden components and decorations, on the other hand, did not serve solely as decorations in those days. Many of them were initially useful. The sundial would also become a standalone adornment by the sixteenth century. Many sundials were placed horizontally and supported by ornamental columns starting in the eighteenth century.Rain barrels made of lead and well edges were both ornamental and practical things. Sundials and rain barrels are currently only used for aesthetics because their utilitarian purposes have been rendered obsolete by technological advancement.